Pfizer has been granted emergency use approval for its Covid vaccine to be used on children as young as five which is the next phase in SAGE's plan for all children, even babies, to be given the jab.
With experimental drug use now just being waved through by the MHRA the plan to vaccinate all children, including 6 month old babies, is well underway. Children between 12 and 15 are currently being given the jab, with Chris Whitty claiming that it was for the good of the child's mental health.
Pfizer said its trial of around 2,000 children aged five to 11 found a low dose of the vaccine generated a strong immune response and threw up no safety concerns. Pfizer's trial is said to have looked at antibody levels in the blood of primary school-aged children to estimate their immune response, unlike larger trials of older participants which compared Covid cases in the vaccine and control groups. In layman's terms they didn't test to see if the vaccine prevented the virus, but used PCR tests to see if the child had the spike protein they'd just injected the child with.
A spokesperson said the company may later disclose vaccine efficacy from the trial but there had not been enough infections yet among the volunteers. Pfizer is also trialling its vaccines on babies as young as six months and expects the results of that study to be available by winter, in a move likely to cause international controversy.
Chris Whitty has secretly employed SAGE subgroup SPI-B (the Nudge Unit) to come up with a 'plausible reason' to give five year olds an experimental drug for an illness they don't suffer from. SPI-B, the department tasked with creating Propaganda were allegedly the team who came up with the idea of telling the public that jabs for 12 year olds was for the good of the child's mental health and have been responsible for the vilification of "anti-vaxxers", fear campaigns around new variants as well as fake Social Media accounts pushing Vaccine safety.
They now have to come up with a new excuse, because the public are not likely to believe the mental health for 5 year olds. SAGE have to convince an increasingly sceptical public that five year olds NEED an experimental gene-editing drug, with no long-term safety data for, given for an illness that they don't suffer from.
A single dose of Pfizer's vaccine is currently being used on Britons aged 12 to 15 for the 'good of their mental health' and to 'prevent further disruptions to their education', even after the JVCI had advised against it saying that the benefit was 'marginal'. This completely, and criminally ignored the evidence from a large US study that concluded a child was at least SIX TIMES more likely to suffer from an adverse event from the drug than becoming ill with Covid. The study which has been peer-reviewed, shows that children, especially teenage boys, risk a series and often life-changing event from Covid vaccines, and although the Pfizer version isn't the worst for causing this, it still shouldn't be given to children under any circumstances, but to give it to children for a illness they don't get, is criminal.
Professor Adam Finn, a member of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), said the decision to jab 12 to 15-year-olds is not black and white when that is EXACTLY what it is. He added that while it is not "essential" for them to have a coronavirus vaccine, it is also "perfectly sensible" for them to do so. PERFECTLY SENSIBLE to give an untested, experimental drug, for an illness that they don't suffer from, with a death rate THIRTY TIMES HIGHER THAN ANY OTHER VACCINE?
The plan to vaccinate all children, including babies was set out last year, and nothing will prevent SAGE from pushing ahead with the plan. Nothing. They do not have to even come up with a plausible or convincing excuse, as has been seen with the 'Mental Health' reason, at this stage they can say pretty much anything, as they are unchallenged and unaccountable.
Related Article:
CHILDREN in DANGER from the VACCINE Warns Major New Study
Teenage Boys Six Times More Likely to Suffer Heart Problems from Vaccine Than to Be Hospitalised from Covid, According to New Study.
As the Government is set to push Covid vaccines on all healthy children, against warnings from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), a major new U.S. study has found that teenage boys are six times more likely to suffer from heart problems due to the vaccine than to be hospitalised from Covid.
Children who face the highest risk of a “cardiac adverse event” are boys aged between 12 and 15 following two doses of a vaccine, according to major new study from the US. The study looked at MRNA vaccines – such as Pfizer and Moderna – which will be particularly relevant for Britain because youngsters will not be given the AstraZeneca jab because of the increased risk of dangerous blood clots.
A team led by Dr. Tracy Hoeg at the University of California investigated the rate of Cardiac Myocarditis (heart inflammation) – and chest pain in children aged 12-17 following their second dose of the vaccine. They then compared this with the likelihood of children needing hospital treatment owing to Covid, at times of low, moderate and high rates of hospitalisation. Researchers found that the risk of heart complications for boys aged 12-15 following the vaccine was 162.2 per million, which was the highest out of all the groups they looked at.
The second highest rate was among boys aged 16-17 (94.0 per million) followed by girls aged 16-17 (13.4 per million) and girls aged 12-15 (13.0 per million).
However the risk of a healthy boy needing hospital treatment owing to Covid in the next 120 days is 26.7 per million. This means the risk they face from heart complications is 6.1 times higher than that of hospitalisation.
This is based on current rates of hospitalisations from Covid-19, which are judged to be “moderate”. During a period of low risk of hospitalisation, such as June 2021, the likelihood of heart complications rises to 22.8 times higher, and during a period of high risk, such as January 2021, the likelihood of heart complications is still 4.3 times higher.
The study comes after the JVCI have already advised against the mass vaccination of 12 to 15 year olds, and a wealth of data from the Government's own Yellow Card reporting system confirming that ALL current Covid Vaccines represent a serious threat to life for young people. Chris Whitty is reportedly going to ignore all of the studies, JVCI recommendations and Death figures and press ahead with the plan to vaccinate the entire population, including all children and babies, whatever the risks.