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UK CBDC Already in Place Despite 'Consultation' Not Due to Finish Until JUNE

Writer's picture: Philip JamesPhilip James

Favoured by globalists the world over (including the World Bank, IMF, World Economic Forum and European Union), programmable money, which central banks will control, is about to be launched in over 100 countries, including Britain, who have announced the creation of a Central Bank Digital Currency called BRITcoin. At the same time as it announced the digital currency the government have instructed banks to limit the buying and selling of any other cryptocurrencies.

There is currently a 'consultation' on whether a digital currency should be implemented, but this is merely for appearances. The consultation is not due to end until the 7th of June 2023, but the post of Head of Central Bank Digital Currency has already been filled and infrastructure for it has long since been in place.

HM Treasury state on their website:

'Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are an electronic form of money that consumers and businesses hold with their country's central bank, such as the Bank of England. In March 2023, four CBDCs were operating and 114 other countries were exploring the concept.

A digital pound would be a new form of digital money for use by households and businesses for their everyday payments needs. As part of the wider landscape of money and payments it would sit alongside, not replace, cash – a digital counterpart to familiar, trusted banknotes and coins, subject to rigorous standards of privacy and data protection. This is in line with our ambition that public trust in money remains high, and that modern forms of money and payments meet the evolving needs of individuals and businesses.

The consultation paper sets out analysis by HM Treasury and the Bank of England on the potential case for a UK central bank digital currency – a “digital pound” and consult on the key features of a potential model.'

However, they have already filled the post of head of the CBDC last month, a full three months before the consultation is due to close. The advert had stated:

Head of central bank digital currency

The successful candidate will lead the government body’s work on Britcoin. According to the advert the job has a starting salary of £66,500 for London-based candidates. It goes on to state that the job is “important, complex and cross-cutting, and the leadership will involve extensive engagement across and beyond HM Treasury,” the advert

If you listen to Rishi Sunak, Klaus Schwab and Ursula von der Leyen a Digital Currency would be more convenient, safer than traditional currency and more 'inclusive' (?)

However freedom campaigners, such as the #Together organisation, warn that unlike the government hype a digital currency will give government unprecedented power and control and is a trojan horse for a China style Social Credit System.

Every single transaction you do in your life, will be logged and registered on an open ledger. Because that's what the blockchain is. But what CBDC's are is your national identity tied to a digital currency, that will log every single one of your transactions forever. Because once it's on the blockchain, you can't erase it, and that gives you absolutely no anonymity.
The second concern is control, because this currency can be programmed, and when it's programmed it means it can be set by government it can be determine what you purchase, and what you sell and what you buy. If you go back to Canada and the truckers protests, you're on a list, you can be penalised, and, of course, it's an incredible problem.
So, how do we make sure our rights are guaranteed, even though this phenomenon is on the horizon and is coming at us anyway? And the answer there is that we've got to make sure we protect the off-ramp. Whatever that off-ramp is in the form of a decentralised digital currency that allows for you to trade without being traced and tracked without being controlled, we've got to make sure that that currency, that off-ramp, that decentralised version, is protected.
And it's no coincidence that countries around the world, led by China, but others have followed them, are banning Bitcoin exchanges. So our responsibility becomes to protect the off-ramp so that there's a choice, so that you're not permanently involved in what is total slavery and serfdom and you end up living like what looks and feels like a Black Mirror episode.


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