No need to tell mummy and daddy...
Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust has produced a leaflet which tells young people that if they book a Covid vaccination appointment their parents will not be asked to give consent or even notified of their child’s decision.
The leaflet produced encourages children to get in touch if they have not yet been vaccinated and states: “We will not usually inform your parents, teachers or anyone else if you contact us,” going on to say. “We might inform someone if we were concerned about your safety but we would usually speak to you first.”
The children are invited to send a text message to a secret phone number and told they will be rung back with “confidential advice and support about how to get [vaccinated] in the catch-up clinics being set up across Sussex”.
The leaflet has been sent out after children have been subjected to propaganda videos shown in schools across the county.
Family groups have been outraged by the leaflet saying it is wholly inappropriate for children to be encouraged to go behind their parents’ backs in this way. Molly Kingsley, Co-Founder of the parent campaign group UsForThem, said: “The choice about whether to vaccinate children absolutely must be left to parents. Children are not state property.
“The parents we represent feel incredibly strongly that this is not a matter for any arm of the state to get involved in. It is a private matter between parents and their children.”
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