That thing that must never happen again, is happening again.
Reports out of the United States confirm the rumours: Covid restrictions are coming back. Businesses, Local government institutions and college campuses across the U.S. are imposing mask-mandates and contact tracing right now.
Incredibly, the new measures are being imposed despite there being no new cases of the virus reported. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported Monday that Morris Brown College, a black private liberal arts college, has reinstated the measures as part of a “precautionary step.”
The report notes that students and staff will all be asked to mask-up on campus only one week after classes begin. A communication issued by the college claims there have been “reports of positive cases among students in the Atlanta University Center,” a consortium of black colleges and universities located on the western side of Atlanta.
The measures, which include social distancing, temperature checks and no large gatherings are said to be in place for two weeks.
Youtube knew ahead of time.
This follows Youtube mysteriously returning their 'misinformation' policy to how it was in 2021 at the height of the scamdemic, reportedly under direct orders from the World Health Organisation.
Federal Government begin stockpiling Covid equipment.
Secretly, the federal government has already begun buying COVID-19 equipment and hiring consultants to enforce pandemic-era "safety protocols." Some of these contracts begin a matter of days.
Hollywood ramp-up hysteria.
Hollywood studio Lionsgate are the first to begin mask-mandates, daily self-screening, and automatic 10 day quarantine after travel. Other Hollywood studios are said to follow suit in coming days.
An internal memo states that “Employees must wear a medical grade face covering (surgical mask, KN95 or N95) when indoors except when alone in an office with the door closed, actively eating, actively drinking at their desk or workstation, or if they are the only individual present in a large open workspace.”
Health Officials are claiming that Covid cases are once again on the rise and treating the public like the last three years never happened. Los Angeles Public Health has recommended that higher-risk residents need to wear masks, claiming that COVID cases are increasing, while admitting that hospitalisations remain low.
