The WAR on the motorist is about to enter End Game.
The UK Government are secretly planning to implement their 'climate lockdowns' plan using the Ukraine crisis as an excuse to do so. According to a Whitehall source, the government support the International Energy Authorities proposals on lockdowns and are even going further than the agencies proposals in their war on the car.
At the centre of the plan is a total ban on car use for at least one day per week, with that increase to every other day once fear has been sufficiently ramped-up. Interestingly, the plan does not currently exclude electric cars as the marxists behind the plan don't want anyone in private vehicles.
The International Energy Authority have written a report suggesting ways not to use energy. Yes, really.
Banning Cars One Day a week in Phase 1
Reduction of speed-limits on all UK roads by between 20% and 33% (Urban Roads Reduced to 20mph Motorways to 50mph)
Work from home three days a week
Re-nationalise public transport
Credit system that incentivises walking and cycling over car use.
Alternate private car access to roads in large cities.
Increase car sharing and adopt practices to reduce fuel use (i.e. banning single occupant car journeys; enforcing WFH initiatives)
Raise tax on all 'business' travel where alternative options exist
Banning Cars One Day a week in Phase 1.
The plan suggests that banning car use every Sunday could save about 380,000 bpd; one Sunday a month saves 95,000 according to the report. But the reason for the ban becomes increasingly less clear, as originally it was said to be to stop climate change, but as the temperature hasn't risen in seven years straight the justification subtly moved to a non-specific 'poor air-quality' mantra and most recently has changed again, now the banning of cars is because of a fuel crisis caused by the Ukraine/Russia conflict. The report goes on to say; Switzerland, the Netherlands and West Germany banned cars on a Sunday during the 1973 oil crisis and some cities have used the measure to promote public health more recently.
Reduction of speed-limits on all UK roads by between 20% and 33% (Urban Roads Reduced to 20mph Motorways to 50mph).
The 'reasons' given for speed reductions are even more flaky. Is it to 'improve road safety'? or to conserve fuel? To reduce pollution? or to stop global warming? Marxist Councils around the UK have long been slashing speed limits claiming this or that but half the time they can't remember themselves which 'crisis' this is meant to avert. The latest document claims it's to save 290,000 bpd of oil use from cars, and an additional 140,000 bpd if trucks also reduced their speed. but the original draft stated that it was to reduce climate change. It's as if the Marxists start with 'ban the car' and then cherry pick the 'science' to justify it. Where have we heard that before?
Work from home three days a week.
Working from home now appears to be another one of those stock 'solutions' that is enforced on us regardless of the 'crisis'. What are the chances that both Global Warming AND fighting a Virus can be fixed by working from home? To begin with companies will be encouraged to offer this as an option, but like all of these diktats that is only in the initial phase. It will then become a tax incentive before finally becoming compulsory for all office workers.
Credit system that incentivises walking and cycling over car use.
It seems that a China style 'credit system' is never far away from any Government plan these days and they're now looking at every opportunity to impose it. With fuel rationing looming, the government see a golden opportunity to issue everyone an App that you will need to present at the pump to collect your government-approved fuel quota. A hi-tech ration-book that will also reward you if you ditch the car on other days, exercise more, purchase the right products etc. The flip side of any reward scheme run by the government is for the same App to mete-out punishment to anyone not following the rules of course.
Increase car sharing and adopt practices to reduce fuel use (i.e. banning single occupant car journeys; enforcing WFH initiatives)
This one is another that has been floated many times over the years. Here we see it being presented as something new and original when it definitely isn't. The current 'reason' given is that this will save fuel, but don't expect this to be a voluntary initiative because that isn't what neo-marxism is all about. Buried in the report is the mention of smartphone Apps again.
Many smartphone apps exist to arrange ride-shares, and track miles travelled it states, and guess which one will be needed?
Alternate private car access to roads in large cities.
According to the proposal this would saves about 210,000 bpd. The report goes on to suggest: 'for example, cars whose number plate ends with an odd number can drive on Monday and those with an even number can drive on Tuesdays. Such schemes have been deployed to tackle congestion and air pollution peaks in Athens, Madrid, Paris, Milan and Mexico City. Exceptions could be made for electric vehicles. One downside is that households with multiple cars could game the rules.' Notice the slight-of-hand here. This is, effectively another you being banned from using your car 50% of the time completely, and PERMANENTLY'. Whilst the problem of people 'gaming the rules' will undoubtedly be cured by; the social credit system App that will only enable one car to be registered and its use to be tracked by GPS.
We are witnessing the end of car ownership and private transport in this country. The war on the car is really a war on freedom, a war millions don't even realise they're in.
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