And in some cases, MORE deadly.
We know that vaccine effectiveness against infection has been wildly overestimated. The evidence is now clear: the vaccines don’t stop transmission, at all. But what about effectiveness against serious disease and death? Evidence is now emerging that they have no positive effect on these either.
Data from a number of countries that heavily pushed the vaccine shows that not only have the vaccines made no overall difference to all-cause mortality but that they've made no difference to Covid deaths and infection rates either. You would reasonably expect that, after a vaccine campaign the subsequent wave would be greatly reduced, or even stopped completely. But not a bit of it. These data won't make it onto Chris Whitty's slide show, that's for sure.
Data now coming in confirms what "anti-vaxxers" have suspected all along. Some countries have now published their data of pre and post vaccination and they reveal as much excess mortality in their post-vaccination waves as they saw in their pre-vaccination waves. Put in simple terms, the vaccines don't work at reducing infection, hospitalisation or death.
Austria saw a large uptick in excess mortality, beginning in mid October. At this time, 62% of the population was double vaccinated, including a much higher percentage of the elderly.

Second, Germany also saw a large uptick in excess mortality in mid October. At this time, 65% of the population was double vaccinated, including a much higher percentage of the elderly

Third, the Netherlands also saw a large uptick in excess mortality in mid October. At this time, 68% of the population was double vaccinated, including a much higher percentage of the elderly.

Fourth, Norway saw a moderate uptick in excess mortality in mid October, which was larger than any previous wave. At this time, 68% of the population was double vaccinated, including a much higher percentage of the elderly.

For those who argue that the post wave is, in some cases, less severe than would otherwise have been this has little to do with the vaccine, and shows the natural life-cycle of a virus, as it becomes more transmissible but less deadly over time.
Pharmaceutical companies are, again, taking credit for mother natures work. Just as the '95% effective' claim for Covid vaccines takes credit for natural immunity (remember; 99.97% of those with Covid recover, a fact that the drugs companies conveniently ignored in their calculations) they are also claiming that as the virus naturally fizzles out that this is thanks to their vaccine. It isn't. Governments should stop repeating the sales-pitch of Pharmaceuticals companies as fact immediately.
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