The Government is quietly introducing a giant digital identity system that will turn Britain into the ultimate surveillance state.
Plans to introduce a mandatory Digital ID during the last parliament were rejected by public so the new government are doing it by stealth: a database here, facial recognition there, all implemented for your 'convenience', safety, and freedom of course. Or, at least that's the sales-pitch. In reality all of these stand-alone projects will soon be joined up, providing the Government with one giant digital identity system that will enable them to track you, in real time, every minute of every day, forever.
The Government have gone live with One Login programme which, they insists, "simplifies access to public services by offering a single sign-on, removing the need for multiple usernames and passwords." in truth it links together Your education details, qualifications, tax records, national insurance number, criminal record (including any 'non-crime' hate incidents), council tax ID, social security ID, Driving licence, immigration status and Passport number. Basically anything the Government holds on you, and that is just for starters.
Facial Recognition.
One Login will be joined by the Police biometric database, which is being rolled out across the country without consultation, or, in most cases, the knowledge of those being recorded. A 3000 point biometric ID that will allow for police, and local councils, to monitor you whenever you're in public. Seven police forces across England and Wales have already implemented the facial recognition technology, scanning millions of people's images without their knowledge of permission. You could already be one of the 14 million faces police have on file. 14 million people effectively taking part in a constant identity parade.
It is not just the police that are now using facial recognition technology either, retailers too are being encouraged to participate in the system, with supermarkets like Co-Op and shops like Sports Direct now routinely using the technology.
Retailers like these have reportedly faced a huge rise in crime over recent years to the extent that their default setting is to view everyone as a criminal. As a result you are scanned, tracked and photographed every second you are in their stores, with your biometrics stored on their database along with your purchases and bank details, permanently. Most shoppers have no idea what their supermarkets are doing, and retailers don't have to tell them, so they don't.
NHS records.
Your health records, once a private set of documents between you and your GP and now used by the government in a host of ways they were never intended to be. Firstly, they are used as a 'compliance tool' where access to certain services and freedoms are dependent on if you've had the vaccine or not. Your health record will also be one of those sold to drugs companies for 'research', said to be in pursuit of new drugs to improve health outcomes but really to find ways to find more sales.
Personal Daily Carbon Allowance
The UK government's Personal Carbon Allowances Scheme is a plan to monitor everyone's consumption via their spending. The Daily Carbon Allowance will be set at 20kgs per person, per day, and, using artificial intelligence, the government will calculate how much you've consumed against that limit. The PDCA is intrinsically linked to Net Zero and the push for us all to consume less.. of everything. See C40 Cities for more.
Bank Spying.
Sir Keir Starmer is pushing plans to spy on all of our bank accounts on the premise of dealing with welfare fraud and error. These Orwellian new powers will force banks to flag people who meet secret criteria to the government. This is a major expansion of government powers.
It takes away our financial privacy like never before and does away with the presumption of innocence - the democratic principle that you shouldn't be spied on unless police suspect you of wrongdoing. People who are disabled, sick, carers or looking for work will be treated like criminals by default with these new powers.
All these databases are being joined up, giving the Government a level of information on you the like of which is has never been seen before in all of human history. Britains will soon be the most surveilled people on earth, and by the time they realise it will probably be too late.