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Black Lives Don't Matter To Black Lives Matter

In 2016, organisations in the Black Lives Matter movement received $33 million in grants from the Open Society Foundations, the organisation founded by Hungarian Billionaire George Soros and the Center for American Progress, founded by former White House chief of staff and Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta.

The New York Times, so very quick to dismiss any idea that Soros funds any agitant or anarchist organisations forget that they've previously run articles telling us he does exactly that..

Website PolitiFact notes that Open Society Foundations previously condemned the use of violence publically, and claims that Open Society Foundations reiterated this regarding the recent unrest in emails. Despite BLM’s funders saying this, the violence, looting and mindless vandalism continues to get worse following the death of George Floyd in police custody.

The public condemnation of violence by the Soros-backed organisations appears to be in contradiction to what is promoted privately. A document has emerged online, posted on 4Chan, that appears to not only contradict the public persona, but reveals the true modus operandi of the Soros organisations: Friends of Democracy, another arm of the Soros manipulation machine, circulated a confidential internal document to their operatives giving clear instructions on how to create civil unrest. The document states that an “Ideal objective is: ‘Civil unrest that leads to deployment of martial law-like policies, creating a feedback loop for additional action opportunities.”

The left wing media have been quick to try and discredit this document as fake, and that George Soros organisations are not involved in any such activities. However, this would be slightly more believable if it weren’t for those very objectives being strived for on the streets of every major city in the US and many in Europe before our very own eyes. Antifa, the most Violent arm of the BLM movement, and long since linked to a Soros funding stream themselves, have clearly been orchestrating the riots, we’ve even seen videos of their operatives PAYING Black people to riot. No amount of Gaslighting by the mainstream media is going to convince us otherwise, not when we've clearly seen the evidence for ourselves.

But hold on, there is something missing, something important, and that is what Alfred Hitchcock called a 'MacGuffin'. (A MacGuffin is an object, device, or event that is necessary to the plot and the motivation of the characters) and in Soros' case that MacGuffin is money. It really is as simple as that. Because Soros' specialty is making money out of a country's financial collapse,

In a video that has recently emerged online, George Soros confesses exactly what he does.

The exchange between Soros and the CBS reporter leaves the viewer in no doubt about Soros' true goals and how he goes about achieving them.

CBS reporter: "In the last two years you've been blamed for financial collapse of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, and Russia"

Soros: "All of the above"

CBS reporter: "All of the above, are you that powerful?"

Soros: "No, I think there's a great misunderstanding, I am basically there to make money. I cannot, and do not, look at the social consequences of what I do. As a competitor I've got to compete to win." "As a human being, I am concerned about the society in which I live."

CBS reporter: "Which George Soros am I talking to now? the amoral George Soros, or the moral George Soros?"

He goes on to say he worked for the Nazis confiscating other Jews property and how much he enjoyed doing it.

This video will soon be taken down by facebook, Twitter and Youtube, and will, no doubt be called 'fake' by the MSM, but rather than take their word for it, make up your own mind and watch the video before it's banned.

What we know is that Soros has funded Friends of Democracy, Black Lives Matter and in turn Antifa, we also know that he makes his money by making country's financial markets crash and, will stop at nothing to achieve this. He and does not think, or care, about the social consequences of his actions. All this by his own admission.

And, even though was Jewish himself, preferred to work for the Nazis robbing his fellow-jews of their belongings after they had been sent to concentration camps. Again, by his own admission.

Many Black people have spoken out against BLM as not being a true 'grass-roots' Black organisation, but rather being 'given' to them by Soros, with such indiscriminate destruction happening in black communities themselves, there is more and more likelihood that they're right, and that the black community have been just pawns in the Soros game to make more money out of chaos.

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