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Australia: COVID JAB 12 TIMES MORE DEADLY than ALL other Vaccines COMBINED in last 50 YEARS

Writer's picture: Philip JamesPhilip James

Covid Vaccines have caused 12 times as many deaths in just 10 months, than 128 separate vaccines combined in 51 years.

Data published by Australia’s Medicine Regulator reveals that there have been as many deaths reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines in just 8 months than deaths reported as adverse reactions to every other available vaccine combined over a period of 51 years.

The Department of Health Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is the medicine regulator for the Australian Government, and as part of the Department of Health, the TGA regulates the quality, supply, and advertising of medicines, pathology devices, medical devices, blood products and most other therapeutics.

A Freedom of Information request made by Doctors for Covid Ethics back in February 2021 revealed that the TGA never saw the extremely limited study data for the Pfizer mRNA Covid-19 vaccine prior to granting it emergency approval and deeming it safe to be injected into the arms of Australians.

The TGA originally attempted to suppress the FOI request by requesting a 6-month extension in view of the amount of work required to respond satisfactorily. But after a complaint was made to the Office of the Information Commissioner the TGA responded confirming that they had never seen or requested the patient data from Pfizer and simply accepted Pfizer’s report of their study as fact, despite their proven history of fraudulent claims.

Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc., have been fined at least £3,573,465,793.97p since the year 2000 for over 80 offences / violations. This includes over £26.1million in Kickbacks and Bribery offences, £870million in False Claims offences and £2.5billion in healthcare related offences.

The TGA’s admission that they have never seen the raw trial data for the Pfizer jab prior to granting it approval, and Pfizer’s scandalous history of fraudulent claims and bribes, may go some way to explaining why the TGA have so far refused to pull the Covid-19 injections from distribution to the public, despite 8 times more adverse reactions, and 12 times more deaths being reported due to the jabs over a period of 10 months than have been reported to all other available vaccines combined since the 1st January 1971.

The TGA has a ‘Database of Adverse Event Notifications‘ that allows visitors to search adverse event reported for medicines including vaccines. The reports come from a wide range of sources, including members of the public, GPs, other health professionals and the therapeutic goods industry.

By searching the database for ‘Vaccine’ and deselecting the four available Covid-19 vaccines, with a date parameter of ‘1st January 1971 – 27th December 2021‘ the following results can be found –

Over those 51 years there have been 128 different vaccines available to the Australian public (excluding Covid-19 vaccines), and there have been 19,545 individual reports to all 128 vaccines combined, including 62 deaths. The TGA state that they think there is a possibility that the available vaccines caused 12,638 of those reported adverse reactions.

By carrying out a new search on the database for ‘Covid-19 Vaccine‘, with a date parameter of ‘1st January 2021 – 27th November 2021’ the following results can be found –

The results shows that there have been 98,017 reports made against the available Covid-19 vaccines, including 725 deaths. The TGA state that they they think there is a possibility that the Covid-19 vaccines caused 96,250 of those reported adverse reactions.

The first Covid-19 vaccine was administered in Australia on February 21st 2021. This means that there have been been 12 times more deaths, 5 times more reports of adverse reactions, and 8 times more reports of adverse reactions that the TGA suspects were more than likely due to the Covid-19 vaccines, than have been reported to all other available vaccines combined over a period of 51 years.

According to the TGA database, the leading cause of death due to the Covid-19 vaccines has been an ‘adverse event following immunisation’. The second leading cause of death has been dyspnoea (difficulty breathing), followed by pulmonary embolism (blocked blood vessel in the lung), then cardiac arrest, and then cerebrovascular accident (stroke).

But the leading causes of death since 1971 due to all other available vaccines combined differ spectacularly. According to the TGA database the leading cause of death due to all other vaccines combined since 1971 has been pyrexia which is a raised body temperature/fever. The next two leading causes of death have been vaccination failure and influenza, followed by seizure, and then vaccination error.

This data raises serious questions as to why the Covid-19 vaccines have not been pulled from distribution to the public when just four separate vaccines for Covid-19 have caused over 12 times as many deaths in just 10 months, than 128 separate vaccines combined have caused over a period of 51 years.

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