'Mass killing should begin ASAP'
Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty has told Parliament that the State Sponsored Euthanasia bill should be made as easy as possible and implemented without delay.
Speaking at a commons committee on the Assisted Dying Bill Prof Whitty appeared to give a slight smirk when describing the current safeguards as 'bureaucratic thicket', showing the same disregard for human life as he did during the Scamdemic.
Whitty then refused to comment on the bill itself, again distancing himself from culpability if he is to face any backlash later on.
Whitty suggested that the state sponsored Euthanasia should be made 'simple' saying ""An average citizen in their last six months of life, what we don't want is a system that is very difficult for them to navigate," Citizens who doctors determine have less than six months to live, would have the option of asking those doctors to euthanise them, with a High Court Judge signing off the killing.
Already hated by millions of Brits, Whitty, one of the architect's of the scamdemic, is adding to his already extensive list of crimes against humanity. Whilst working as England's chief medical officer, the Professor was also sitting on the European board of the World Health Organisation, and had close links to the Pharmaceuticals industry having spent his entire career producing fake studies for them.
Having distanced himself from any responsibility for his actions he's moved on to other ways he can reduce the population, state sponsored Euthanasia the obvious choice.
Assisted Dying: From its Sinister Origins to its Secret 2020 Use
