The mainstream media have repeatedly promoted pharmaceutical companies claims that covid vaccines are 'safe and effective', covering up the truth to help perpetuate that lie.
If the vaccines’ safety profiles are so good, the product so safe, then why has the U.S. VAERS system recorded nearly three times as many fatal adverse reactions since the Covid vaccines were rolled out than in all previous years combined? There have been 24,168 deaths reported in 2021 and so far in 2022 (21,947 in 2021 and 2,221 in the first five weeks of 2022), compared with 8,748 for all years from 1990 to 2020 combined. Reported deaths in 2021 were 36 times higher than in 2019, the previous highest number, when 605 were reported.

Likewise, If the vaccines’ safety profile is excellent, why has the U.K. warned against giving the AstraZeneca vaccine to under-40s owing to risk of blood clots, and Denmark ceased using the AstraZeneca shot altogether? Why have Germany and France suspended the Moderna vaccine for the under-30s owing to risk of heart inflammation? Why has Vietnam suspended the Pfizer vaccine after three school children died of an “overreaction”? If this is an excellent safety profile, what the hell does a poor one look like?
Regulators and scientists involved in the trials have said “no corners were cut on safety”. Yet the vaccines have been approved and rolled out while Phase 3 trials are still ongoing, effectively making millions of people taking it the guinea pigs whilst pharmaceuticals companies still make billions in profit.
As Mike Yeadon expertly pointed out in a recent study, vaccine manufacturers have been happily taking credit for a person's natural immunity. Claiming their product is 96% effective is nothing more than a drug company sales slogan. In the trials, that they refuse to release the data for, no virus came anywhere near the patient, meaning that 'the science' is merely layer upon layer of deception, misdirection and outright lies.