The statement has already got Europe's Socialist parties in meltdown.
Europe is not just leaning to the right, it is positively stampeding. Last months elections caused shockwaves right across the continent as centre-right parties (called 'far-right' by the far-left media) took power form many a Marxist party. Now the situation is about to get even worse for the socialist project as Hungary launches their EU presidency with the Trump-esque slogan "Make Europe Great Again."
Hungary’s slogan for its six-month rotating presidency of the EU beginning on July 1 will be “Make Europe great again,” Minister for EU Affairs János Bóka said on Tuesday when detailing the country’s priorities during its six-month presidency.
“In Europe, the war in our neighborhood, the disengagement from global competitors, the fragile security situation, illegal migration, opposition politics, the effects of climate change, and the processes of self-protection are all common challenges,” Bóka said.
The minister added that 2024 is the year of transition in the European Union, and the Hungarian presidency, in cooperation with the newly established European Parliament and the European Commission, must ensure the continuity of work within EU institutions and the European Council.

ános Bóka said that the Hungarian government sees the rotating presidency as an opportunity, adding that the peace and security of Europe is the most important thing.
Hungary’s EU presidency will have seven priorities: a new European competitiveness pact, strengthening European defense policy, consistent and merit-based enlargement policy, tackling illegal migration, shaping the future of cohesion policy, a farmer-centric EU agricultural policy, and combating declining demographics.
Minister Bóka stressed that an important part of the Hungarian presidency will be the fight against anti-Semitism and the promotion of sports and healthy lifestyles in view of the Olympic Games.
The minister concluded by saying that “the success of the Hungarian presidency means the success for Europe as a whole.”
With the EU parliament moving to the right, perhaps Britain should rejoin.
Bóka was doing OK until he mentioned ' climatwe change '!