On Friday Parliament debated the Climate and Nature Bill which failed to get passed, but Ed Miliband has declared that he is going ahead with it anyway.
The Climate and Nature Bill, reportedly one of the most dangerous, and demented bills ever written, effectively gives a small group of unelected eco-zealots almost unlimited power over all our lives. The bill demands that these zealots take control of what we eat, what we wear, what type of car we drive, and where we drive it, together with where we can live, what goods we can buy, and even how many times a year we can go on holiday.
It received its second reading on Friday afternoon and, failed to get enough votes to be passed into law. The country collectively breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the Bill would be buried. but in an astonishing denial of democracy, Energy Minister Ed Miliband has announced that, despite the bill losing in the Commons vote, he’s going to go ahead and implement the Bill anyway.
Miliband announced on X:
The Zero Hour campaign has been an incredibly important campaign about the Climate and Nature crisis that we face and I want to thank everybody up and down the country who made their voice heard as part of this campaign.
I also want to thank Roz Savage MP and all the co-sponsors of her bill that was debated in the Commons today.
As a result of all of your efforts we've reached agreement about how to take forward the spirit and substance of the bill. Strengthening action on nature, having an annual climate and nature statement to parliament and the country and greater public participation on these issues.
And now we're going to set to work, Government and some people behind this bill in dialogue on their proposals including for legislation so we can make a real and meaningful difference to climate and nature in this country.
You know, i think the scale of the crisis we face on both climate and on nature means that we need to go beyond party politics and work together. This has been reflected in the support for this bill and in the dialogue that I and others have had with those behind it, and we look forward to working together in the months ahead.
The message is clear, democracy is not going to stand in the way of the Net Zero Madness. Nobody voted for it, nobody wants it, and the claim the whole thing is based on has been debunked, but it's still going to be imposed on the British people. Why?