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Cameras that Look INSIDE Your Car Installed by Sadiq Khan

Total surveillance is coming, sooner than you think.

Transport for London has installed the world's first artificial intelligence speed camera on an unsuspecting public. The tech is unlike anything seen before and represents a major step forward in the total-surveillance aims of authorities in modern Britain.

The new cameras feature a highly-advanced technology and are able to watch drivers whilst inside their own vehicles. The cameras are able to see clearly inside your car using radar technology and advanced artificial intelligence. Motorists can now be caught for a whole array of road-based crimes including riding without wearing a seatbelt, using mobile phones, items not properly secured, drinking or eating at the wheel, or whether there are too many people crammed inside one car at a time.

The new AI unit is able to see drivers inside their cars by using super high-spec '4D' radar and super-resolution cameras. The AI programme is also linked to the DVLA and police databases and checks if driver's tax disc and insurance are up to date. The camera is able to monitor up to six lanes of traffic and can even work alongside other units to check for averaged speeds across the board.

The surveillance system has been created by Redspeed Sentio with the first of these devices being installed on the extremely busy A23 in Lambeth, South London, which runs between the capital city and Brighton, East Sussex.

Sadiq Khan's Transport for London installed the device, before getting go-ahead from the government, and without informing the public. It was installed as part of a wider Transport for London (TfL) trial before the Home Office could give it the green light.

Camera developers at Redspeed International, explain on their website: "Redspeed Sentio is designed to be whatever camera you want it to be. "In combining several key enforcement applications and having AI at its heart, Redspeed Sentio has the built-in modular flexibility, capability and scalability to meet virtually any future challenge."

Jake Hurfurt, head of Big Brother Watch declared: "This kind of intrusive and creepy surveillance which treats every passer-by as a potential suspect is excessive and normalising,"

He continued: "It poses a threat to everyone’s privacy. People should be free to go about their lives without being analysed by faceless AI systems."

The sinister tech also raises questions about what else it could be used for. Once accepted that authorities can and will snoop into your car under the assumption that you may be committing an offence what is stopping the same authorities using the tech to look inside your house?


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