Terms on access to UK waters all but finalised, say Brussels sources, as Boris caves to EU pressure over access to British Waters
A 'major breakthrough' was claimed by the EU to have been made in Brexit negotiations on the rights of its fleets to fish in UK waters, EU sources said last night, meaning that Boris Johnson has caved-in to the European Union's demands for French fishermen to plunder UK waters.
EU fanatics; the BBC, reported this in a way that made it sound positive, claiming that sources in Brussels said 'the two sides had all but finalised terms on the level of access for EU boats to seas within the UK’s 200-mile exclusive economic zone,' with a transition period for phasing in changes understood to be between five and seven years. As the EU have been entirely intransigent over this point, they would not be claiming anything other than getting their own way as a 'breakthrough'.
It is likely that this surrender by Johnson will be obfuscated through various measures, spin and misdirection but will ultimately infuriate the UK Fishermen once they have looked at the 'agreement' in detail. Britain once a maritime economy, was forced to allow French fishing boats to plunder its waters, often with the fish caught in our waters being sold back to us at a premium, because of the 'greater good' of the European project.
This development comes as no surprise to many who warned that Britain's 'tough stance' was nothing more than a publicity stunt and that we were never likely to get a 'good deal' from the European Union. Throughout the talks chief EU negotiator, Michel Barnier, has repeatedly referred to the UK accepting EU demands as a 'level playing-field' assuming that everyone in the UK is stupid.
In a move that probably secured their triumph over Boris, the EU had threatened to raise Tariffs on British goods, in other areas unrelated to fishing, if it did not get it's own way. They will have likely looked areas they believed would hurt us the most, such as Jaguar Land Rover who already face stiffer competition under new rules.