A Journalist has uncovered more collusion between the NHS and BBC to broadcast Propaganda about Covid-19.
investigative journalist James Townsend has posted a series of tweets exposing more lies dreamt up by the BBC and NHS, The journalist was so shocked by what he found that he 'had to triple check his figures on the story, just to reassure himself it was true.'
He went on to tweet:
"Last night the esteemed @BBCHughPym . BBC health editor since March 2014, ran a seemingly alarming story about the Covid-19 situation in the North East, as you can see below. With interviews from a respiratory consultant, medical director, elected city mayor, and local resident."
"It featured as a segment on the 6 o’clock news, 10 o’clock news as well as being one of the top stories online"
The headline of the article reads
Covid: Medical Staff 'Distressed' at Third Wave.
"We are planning for war and praying for peace."
Going on to say:
'Dr Catherine Monaghan, a consultant in respiratory medicine at the University Hospital of North Tees, has worked all through the pandemic's first and second waves and now is facing up to the bleak reality of a third Covid surge.'
"We are absolutely gutted - it's really hard - I know the whole country wants this to be over - but the reality is that's not what is happening in the hospital," she said.
"People are still critically unwell with it - I cannot quite believe we're back at this stage again - it's really worrying." Staff, already exhausted, she said, were demoralised at having to reopen a Covid ward which required full protective equipment. "Nurses understandably are really distressed at having to go through this again - having to put on the full PPE - it's very stressful."
The hospital, in Stockton-on-Tees, currently has 22 Covid patients, five of whom are in intensive care. That is a lot less than the peak in January - but the number has increased sharply from just six in a single week. The average ages are lower than during the first two waves, and at least two of the seriously ill patients are in their 30s and unvaccinated. The north-east of England has seen a surge in cases with eight out of the current top 10 hotspots in the UK.
Townsend continues to tweet: 'Sounds serious right? Well, that's not the half of it'
'Dr Monaghan paints a bleak picture of “exhausted and distressed” staff and critically unwell patients. “I cannot quite believe we’re back at this stage again — it’s really worrying,” she says. Crikey, this is from a doctor. It must be true.'
Pym reports that there are 22 Covid patients in that specific hospital, five of whom are in intensive care. He says that number has “increased sharply” from just six in a single week. Coupled with that, he talks about “surging” cases and “stretched” services. Grim, grim, grim.
Mayor of Middlesbrough, Andy Preston says: “Rates are ballooning. This thing is spreading like wildfire across the whole region.” Chris Tulloch, medical director said: “We are coping, but I would say we are just coping.” Disaster imminent
For your average viewer: the language, the war analogies, the professional status of the people saying these things is terrifying. Absolutely. However one thing was missing as I watched it. They kept talking about surging cases, but we all know cases don’t equate to sick people.
We also know that Britain is testing at a ridiculously high rate —more than the rest of Europe combined. And finally, we also know peer reviewed research suggests that up to 75% of PCR tests can give misleading results**. So,what about deaths? Isn’t that the measure of a surge?
If NHS staff are “distressed”, it’s “spreading like wildfire”, and hospitals can “just about cope” then I was sure no mention of mortality figures was just an accidental omission & would paint a similar story to the one Pym and his colleagues like Sharon Barbour had promoted.
But alas, the BBC’s recent track record, coupled with my natural curiosity, totally got the better of me. So I did what many conspiracy theorists are derided for doing: yes, you’ve guessed it, I did my own research. What I found, given the context above, actually blew my mind.
I logged onto NHS England and headed to “COVID-19 Daily Deaths” to find data on North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust. For context, NTHNFT provides services to 400,000 people across two main hospital sites & three smaller community sites. £275m turnover and 5,500 staff.
Here they are on line 139 of the (enormous) Excel sheet, under Tab4 “Deaths by trust.” I scrolled along until I got to the most recent date listed which was Tuesday (13 July). To my surprise, deaths: 0. I tabbed to the next date: 0. The next: 0.
In fact, according to this NHS England data (which you can freely check), the North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust hasn’t reported a single Covid-19 death for 76 consecutive days, going right back to 28 April 2021. Let me repeat that: NO DEATHS FOR SEVENTY-SIX DAYS
On 28 April there was, sadly, one death. You then have to scroll for another 13 days, until 15 April, to find another one death. In other words, two Covid-19 deaths in two months — or one a month. As I said, I had to check this several times to be sure, and I am 100% sure.
An NHS hospital trust plastered across national and regional television and framed as being rushed off its feet and dealing with a “third covid surge” has actually experienced *not a single fatality from coronavirus in 76 consecutive days*.
Townsend says "It’s almost too bonkers to comprehend." and concludes "Perhaps a simple quote best sums up the way Pym & his NHS pals are attempting to spin the Covid case rates at the minute. As a wise man once said, a 100% increase of f*ck all is still f*ck all."