Editor Darren Birks

Feb 20, 20222 min

90,000 Unvaccinated Truckers Arriving in Ottawa Had No Effect on Cases or Deaths

If unvaccinated truckers were a real threat to fellow Canadians then 90,000 of them arriving in Ottawa on January 29th should have seen cases shoot up in the days following. Official data shows that the truckers made no difference to case rates whatsoever.

Canada fell to fascism before our very eyes last week. In the last seven days Justin Trudeau has Suspended parliament; imposed martial law by using the Emergency Powers Act; frozen the bank accounts of Convoy Trucker's, arrested its organisers under trumped-up charges, and sanctioned 'brown shirt' style police brutality to "Smash the protests".

The world seems to have forgotten that all of this was supposed to be about a killer virus. A virus so transmissible, so potentially deadly, that all Truckers must be triple vaccinated to stop the spread. They, argued Trudeau, were not only selfish for not getting the vaccine but were putting fellow Canadians lives at risk with their selfish behaviour.

90,000 of them descending on Ottawa bringing with them the deadly plague, should have shown a massive rise in its cases and deaths. But not a bit of it. The arrival of all those plague-carrying truckers have not altered the Covid figures one-iota. Cases were falling before their arrival and they have continued to fall at the exact same rate.

On the day of the Convoy's arrival cases and deaths both dramatically started to fall, though if you believed the narrative, such a 'selfish act' by plague-carriers should have seen a huge spike in the figures.

Protestor Ollie Trembley noted "this doesn't surprise me at all, this was never really about a virus, Trudeau hasn't mentioned it once since we arrived, he's completely forgotten that all this was supposed to be about a pandemic."

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