Books promoting pedophilia, sex between men and boys, and illustrations of male fellatio all found on shelves of left-wing controlled school.
A school board in Virginia attempted to cut off a mother who read out loud from disgusting pedophilia porn books stocked in the school’s own library as part of a “diversity and inclusion” drive.
Stacy Langton addressed Fairfax High School officials on the matter, reading from two books she discovered at the institution. Langton said “After seeing a September 9th school board meeting in Texas on pornography in schools, I decided to check the titles at my child’s high school, Fairfax High School. The books were available, and we checked them out. Both of these books include pedophilia, sex between men and boys.” Adding“The illustrations include fellatio, sex toys, masturbation, and violent nudity.”
Langton then read the following passages out loud from the material:
“I can’t wait to have your cock in my mouth. I am going to give you the blowjob of your life, and then I want you inside me.”
“What if I told you I touched another guy’s dick? What if I told you I sucked it? I was ten years old, but it’s true. I sucked Doug Goble’s dick, the real estate guy, and he sucked mine too.”
“This is not an oversight at Fairfax High School—” Langton stated before being interrupted by one official who announced “I’m sorry, there are children in the audience here.”
Ms Langton roared back at the board “Do not interrupt my time! I will stand here until my time is restored and my time is finished. These books are in stock and available in the libraries.”
The crowd of parents gathered behind Langton jeered at the school officials as they attempted to shut the mother down.
In reaction to Ms Langton’s address, a school official, Karl Frisch, jumped on Twitter to defend the material, claiming it is part of a “commitment” to “LGBTQIA+ students”:
Karl Frisch is, unsurprisingly, Gay himself with his website promoting LGBTQIAP ideology together with his boyfriend, and is seen 'educating' children in diversity and inclusion.

However, the latest exchange comes after the Mayor of Hudson, Ohio demanded that school board members either resign or face charges after it was revealed that material which amounts to “child pornography” was part of the curriculum for high school students.
This follows a lawsuit in Florida recently being filed against Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) after two public records requests were denied, relating to a list of 42 books the requestor claims contain “very pornographic” material that was made available to children as young as four years old.
Get them young.
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