Justin Trudeau's Checkpoint Society is back on.
Canadians have not have seen the last of the mandatory COVID-19 vaccine passports. Proposed new restrictions could even be harsher than before, with Canadians likely to require three or four inoculations in order to travel.
The government is preparing for the possibility of introducing the measures as soon as September, meaning that millions of Canadians could be caught by the change in rules.
Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos made the announcement during a press conference. The vaccine passport mandate for federal employees and other travelers might be over for now, but Duclos made it clear that it’s likely to return this fall.
In addition to officially denouncing passport mandates, Duclos took the opportunity to explain some changes in wording regarding vaccine requirements. Canada will no longer refer to people who have had all of their vaccinations as “fully vaccinated.” Instead, the language in any official documents will read “up-to-date.” This is because the government says three doses are no longer enough for many people, with some people being told to get four or even five doses. These changes came after Dr. Theresa Tam, the chief public health officer, told reporters that several studies had just been completed.
Initially, according to the report, two doses of a vaccine would allegedly give a person 50 to 80 percent protection; however, that number falls to just 20 percent against Omicron and newer variations of the coronavirus.
Canada’s goal is now to convince people to get their third and fourth doses and restricting civil liberties has been a way of forcing that over the last couple of years. Over 90 percent of Canadian adults have two doses, but less than 60% have received their booster.