sacking 125,000 NHS and Social Care staff may have always been the plan.
The UK Government have restated that Covid vaccination is now a condition of employment and that the deadline for compliance remains. Dominic Raab has stated the deadlines remain in place with frontline healthcare workers in England having to have two doses of Covid vaccine by 1 April, with the first dose needed to be received by 3rd February to meet the deadline and avoid being sacked.
Raab stated “We continue to call for those to come forward to be boosted or vaccinated before the deadline,” he said. “Ultimately we have to make sure that we don’t have people putting patients at risk if they are not vaccinated. The deadline is there to protect the most vulnerable in our hospitals, but we have got the resilience because we have got nearly 5,000 more doctors, nearly 11,000 more nurses than we did in 2020.”
Now it has emerged that the 'resilience' Dominic Raab is referring to is to replace those he sacks with cheap labour from Africa. The government have been secretly drawing up plans to replace thousands of NHS and Care Workers with cheaper and less qualified workers for months according to sources.

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The revelation is a further blow to the staff who are already being victimised by the Trusts for favouring body autonomy over experimental drugs.
Meanwhile, the staff, who were previously being praised by government and public alike are being persecuted by HR departments in their Trust. An example of a 'typical' threatening email was posted by one traumatised nurse on the 100K facebook group:

The NHS staff threatened are under no illusion about the vaccine either with one telling Vision News:
"If you have to be persuaded, reminded, lied to, incentivised, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt tripped, threatened, punished or criminalised, and all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance, you can be absolutely certain what is being promoted is not in your best interest"
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