More than two dozen cargo ships are currently stuck in Russia’s Arctic ice, waiting for ice-breakers to come to their rescue, after global-warming obsessed scientists gave totally inaccurate forecasts.
Maritime traffic in the Northern Sea Route has been on the rise in recent years as warmer winters reduce ice cover, this cyclical pattern was pointed to as proof of global warming and lead to Russia investing in its arctic ports in preparation for a further boom as passages that were previously ice-covered became open to large ships.
The country's Met Office predicted that due to climate change there would be no ice on the new routes at this time of the year and gave the go-ahead for dozens of ships to use the routes safe in the knowledge that they would be unhindered by ice. The obsession with global warming is now making meteorologists make ever more inaccurate predictions as reality does not match their computer models. In this case, ships carrying billions of dollars of merchandise are now trapped in ice that scientists assured the shipping industry wouldn't be there.
The Northern Sea Route has frozen up weeks earlier than usual, catching ships unawares.
Alexei Likhachyov – director general of Russia’s state-owned nuclear energy company Rosatom, which manages the country’s nuclear-power fleet of ice-breakers – said on Monday that the ships included vessels sailing under the flags of Hong Kong and Marshall Islands.
He blamed the Russian Met office for a forecast that failed to predict the early ice, in comments to local media.
Climate change fanatics have been repeating the lie that arctic ice-sheets are receding and often claim that in they will have entirely disappeared by the end of the century. However, arctic ice has been gaining in size year on year since 2012 and is continuing to do so. This obsession has cost shipping companies millions of dollars and is causing further problems with an already suffering global supply chain.
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