Taxpayers will have to pick-up the bill for £2 Billion of health tourism because anything else is 'being racist'.
Doctors at the annual BMA conference, have voted overwhelmingly to end charging overseas visitors for healthcare. Those that questioned the plan were booed and jeered at BMA conference.
Just when you thought the NHS couldn’t be any more ridiculous, up to 500 delegates have voted in favour of abandoning fees effectively opening the doors to millions more from Africa and Asia coming to the UK to seek health treatment on the NHS.
Incredibly, Doctors who opposed the move were booed as they spoke. Tory MPs said opening up the NHS to the rest of the world was reckless when its resources were so stretched, but failed to point out that, despite what Doctors may think, they don’t own the NHS and have no right to use the organisation for any of their own political ideologies.
The BMA will now lobby the Department of Health to overhaul the charging system so every person from Africa, Asia and Europe has the right to travel to the UK and receive healthcare, including surgery, major operations, midwifery, prescriptions and even respite care with the British tax-payer picking up the bill.
Health tourism is thought to cost up to £2billion a year. Many countries already consider the UK to be a soft touch and will travel to Britain with the specific intention of defrauding the UK taxpayer out of thousands of pounds in medical treatment.
Avoiding racism was said to be at the heart of the plan. Medics pushing the motion said charging made health staff ‘complicit in racism’ and ‘racial profiling’, so to ensure they are not indulging in racism clinicians have decided that the best course of action is to treat everyone free, with the long-suffering taxpayer having to pick up the bill. Rarely does a day go by that we don’t hear about how NHS managers are using the national health service to promote their own ideologies all of which just happen to be left-wing in nature) and all of this social-engineering done-so at the taxpayer’s expense. Medics pushing the motion said charging made health staff ‘complicit in racism’ and ‘racial profiling’, so to ensure they are not indulging in racism clinicians have decided that the best course of action is to treat everyone free, with the long-suffering taxpayer, having to pick up the bill.
Fundamentally missing the point one doctor said "we are Doctors not border staff". Whilst doctors should not be troubled with administration issues the NHS is awash with staff that could, and should, be looking after the interests of the taxpaying public. Officious receptionists, middle managers with non-jobs and entire hospitals dedicated to encouraging children into sexual deviance, so they most definitely have the resources to protect the British taxpayer.
The same Doctors who are encouraging health tourism are those who constantly claim that the NHS is underfunded. If that is really the case then they should have been voting for stricter measures where every patient has to prove they are entitled to receive NHS treatment as a way of protecting a finite resource, not opening our doors to millions who will rinse us the first chance they get.